In the West Midlands, transitioning to a circular economy is seen as a way to become a leader in the green and circular industrial revolution. The West Midlands Circular Economy Routemap has been developed to kickstart this transition by building on existing best practices, projects, and expertise. The routemap was developed through a baseline analysis, including mapping material and waste flows for five sectors, policy analysis, interviews and workshops with stakeholders, and the identification of enabling levers and strategic interventions. The enablers for a circular economy include policy and regulation, governance, capacity-building, soft infrastructure, and hard infrastructure. Three priority areas have been identified for strategic interventions: circular manufacturing, circular construction, and circular food. The routemap provides detailed next steps, delivery partners, and metrics for each intervention. Transitioning to a circular economy is seen as a vital part of the West Midlands' efforts to build a greener, healthier, and more inclusive region, and it will require shared ambitions and close collaboration among WMCA and its partners. See here for the full routemap. Comments are closed.